After seven years of talking about it, I finally modified something. I went ahead and did the Moog Slayer mod (cutoff and resonance knobs for the filter), the FM mod for DCO1 and the noise control knob. Here are some pictures of the process.

I drilled the case out, installed the knobs and grounded them together.

Here I've attached the leads to the pots.
Top Left is Resonance, Bottom Left is Cutoff, Top Right is Oscillator, Bottom Right is Noise.

Larger view of compete front panel assembly.
The pots with marker on them are the pots I added. The middle three are original.

Instead of using heat shrink I bought some Liquid Electrical Tape.

It works really well, but it smells awful and it's super drippy.
It took two coats to get really covered.

Internal board with mods wired in. I chose not to replace the resistors on
the board because I didn't want to ruin it.

Finally, I grounded the whole whole thing. The red wire on the right
has a resistor covered in liquid tape running to the cutoff pot.
The big question is, "How does it sound?" It sounds amazing.