Uh... did you know this existed?
Yeah, did you understand that? It's a rack unit that records 644kbs audio to a VHS tape. I would give up one of my toes for one of these. Any information regarding where one of these units might be aquired would be greatly appreciated. Check out this period review.
The dbx Model 700 Digital Audio Processor was a professional audio ADC/DAC combination unit, which digitized a stereo analog audio input into a bitstream, which was then encoded and encapsulated in an analog composite video signal, for recording to tape using a VCR as a transport. Unlike other similar pieces of equipment like the Sony PCM-F1, the Model 700 used a technique called Companded Predictive Delta Modulation, rather than the now-common pulse-code modulation.
I have two of these dbx 700 units. One of them has the record module and the other is just for playback. LMK if interested. innprod@yahoo.com
I know a number of established mastering houses in the country bought them. Masterfonics in Nashville might have one or two in one of their storerooms as I know they used to use them in mastering. Bigger studios in the New England area, particularly Blue Jay in Mass. would be able to give you leads, as everyone tested them out at the time they were in R/D and production. I recorded an album and we made simultaneous 1/4",1/2", F1 and Sony 1610 and dbx 700 masters at Blue Jay Studios. Sounded incredible.
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