I traded off two cheap Teisco Del Rays that I'd been carrying around to shows for a while for this GOD of a drum machine. Built in 1978, this little fucker destroys with it's built in patterns. It has a dedicated BASS DRUM output. Hmmm... that means it could have a dedicated out for each instrument. After much searching I found the schematics on a German website - oh yeah, I can definitely get a separate out for each. But I don't want to drill more holes in the case. My plan? A 5 pin DIN jack in place of the current OUTPUT 2 jack. Then a DIN to five female 1/4" squid cable for the breakout. I'm also pretty sure that I might be able to bend it by adding some pots in place of the resistors after the IC chip. I'll keep you posted.
Check the sounds straight out of it:
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